About ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship


ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship



From developing the skills of young people who face uncertain employment prospects to catalysing local entrepreneurship, the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship enables people with opportunities to build meaningful livelihoods.


The ICC Centres of Entrepreneurship draw upon the business tools developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its global partners. The Centres harnesses ICC’s network of national committees and chambers of commerce in over 100 countries to run capacity building programmes, trainings and community workshops to address the challenges facing entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By bringing together thought leaders, businesses, and entrepreneurs, the Centres will establish a community of innovative professionals aimed at challenging convention and transforming the future of business.


CoE pairs entrepreneurs with experts from around the world to provide global trainings, virtual mentoring and coaching. The Centre relies upon the expertise, knowledge, and support of chambers of commerce, businesses, academic institutions, intergovernmental organisations, and ICC’s Knowledge Solutions Department. The Centre of Entrepreneurship hosts a series of talks for entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, businesses, banks, and governments, to address the structural challenges facing emerging and developing markets.  The Centre is home to a community of innovative professional keen on challenging convention and transforming the future of business.


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